For various reasons I have been away from my blog and yours for some months. I am now making a gentle return and hope to get up to speed in the near future.
I had some wonderful news recently which kick started my comeback: I am delighted to have been asked to continue for another year on the DecoArt Mixed Media design team:
I am honoured to be creating alongside some hugely talented people and you can find them all
To get myself started again, I decided to have a little play with a Tando media board and some paints and stamps. All paints are DecoArt and the stamps are by Teesha Moore and Carabelle. Various stencils have been used along with pens, pencil and Liquid Glass by DecoArt.
Here's what I've made:
The background has been created with paint, a stamped image from Carabelle, a stencil and some mark making pens and pencils. |
The focal image is by Teesha Moore and I so love her stamps. Many thanks to Sam (you know who you are!) for inspiring me to buy yet more stamps! |
The stamped image has been coloured in some areas with paint and pencil. |
The stencil is used to mask some areas and highlight others. |
Marks are added with sponged paint, pens and credit card edges. |
I like using the translucent paint which allows the layer beneath to peak through. |
Not the clearest image but I like how a stencil can be used to frame an image in the background. |
Interesting texture can be created when layering various paints, mediums and pens. |
Mica flakes have been applied randomly on the project. In the bottom left corner, on a red circle, you may just be able to see the Liquid Glass used to add texture. White pen has been applied to bring attention to the detail. |
Paint colours used to create the project. I have kept these to just a three shades of blue and a red to give some zing. I think this works well on projects. The media board was prepared with gesso and the carbon black is used to frame the edges of the board.
A gentle return for me and one which I hope will be the first of many! I hope to share some workshop pieces created at classes I've attended soon.
I know how difficult it is when people disappear from Blogland but everyone is very generous and understanding so thank you if you have been able to visit me today.