Tuesday, 28 August 2012

ABAC Goes Live In Five Days. . . . . .

A little while ago, I told you that I had been asked to join the design team on a new challenge blog called ABAC - Anything But A Card.

Well, the time has come to dust yourself off, put the card making aside and show us all those other fab things you make! It can be ANYTHING other than a card: tags, altered art, ATC's, bookmarks, wall art, journal pages, scrap booking, sculpture, sewing art - I think you get the picture! Grungy, cute, floral or masculine: we love it all! So whatever your style, there's a warm welcome for you at ABAC.

To entice you over to have a look, there will be blog candy made available  over the coming days (not just ONE, but SEVERAL!) and the winners will be chosen on September 16th. Candy #1 is featured to the left and others will be coming soon. Not your cup of tea? You could always donate them to a crafty friend or add them to your own blog candy offer!

You don't have to follow the blog but I'd love you to come and have a look and if you follow and join in then so much the better!

I look forward to seeing there and can't wait to see what you come up with!
We need you to enter to make the blog a success - without you, it doesn't run! Time to start creating. . . . . .


  1. Looks like fun, must have a look! Valerie

  2. Looking forward to the first challenge! xx

  3. Looks like the Autumn ink pads there, they are like gold dust. BJ

  4. Hi Julie, I am looking forward to the first challenge too! A x

  5. Hmmm, I have the very thing currently underway!! Bet you are so excited about this new venture, and I wish you the very best of luck with it :) They are really lucky to have snaffled you as a DT member! Hugs, Buttons x

  6. Sounds great fun... and with the added enticements, and you on the DT - well, see you there!
    Alison x

  7. Have signed up!!!

    Can't wait for the first challenge, and so pleased they are on Sundays, great day to play!!

    Sam xx

  8. Well Julia, I became a follower, added the badge to my sidebar and left a comment overthere, so there is a big chance you will see me there :-)))

    Greetings, Alie :-)

  9. EXCITING!!!!!!!!! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

  10. What fun. Love the sound of the new blog, even more so as cards are not really my thing ha ha!
    Thank-you so much for the visit, what a lovely comment you left too. I totally agree ref the 'chatty' thing, and I have to admit that I spend more time doing a quick blog hop every day and chatting to people on here.
    Big hugs x x x x

  11. Congratulations Julia! I came across this new challenge through another of your co-designers, so I am really keen to join in. Looking forward to seeing your first pieces!


  12. Can`t wait that challenges start!

  13. This sounds like a great challenge and very timely as I've just decided that I've made enough cards for the time being and now want to make a start on what will hopefully be Christmas gifts for family and friends. So I may just be submitting a project or two to this challenge. Elizabeth xx

  14. All sounding very exciting Julia :)
    Von ♥


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. Juliax